
We're changing the norm for investment banking career development.

 Career paths are not one-size-fits-all.

That's why we've built unique talent pathways that provide differentiated development opportunities for our bankers and enable us to grow our team with the best people possible.
Join us to work on high-profile and industry-defining clients and transactions.


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As a junior professional seeking to develop my industry knowledge, technical abilities, and soft skills, I couldn't have asked for a better place to work than Tidal Partners.

During my job search, I prioritized finding a firm with great mentors and colleagues to learn from, and Tidal Partners has exceeded my expectations in both areas. The company's highly collaborative and supportive environment has enabled me to work alongside a diverse group of individuals, each with unique backgrounds and skill sets.

This has created endless opportunities for me to learn and grow, while also building valuable connections that will benefit me throughout my career.

Overall, I am grateful to be part of a company that invests so much in the professional development of its employees.

Lina Zhuo

Tidal Partners has been the ideal launchpad for my career, thanks to the firm's small size and dynamic working environment.

Since joining the team, I have had the privilege of working alongside some of the most impressive and respected bankers in the technology industry, who have mentored me and helped me develop my skillsets. Being able to work on industry-defining projects and transactions has provided me with valuable hands-on experience, enabling me to make meaningful contributions to the team. Moreover, the diverse range of backgrounds and experiences among my colleagues has fostered a culture of collaboration and mentorship, making Tidal a truly exciting and supportive workplace.

In my view, the firm's intellectual curiosity sets it apart from its peers, making Tidal an exceptional place to work and grow. 

Ben Hoskins

Tidal Partners offered me the opportunity to gain high exposure to senior tech bankers in Wall Street while having a startup culture.

Additionally, Tidal’s clients include tech companies from various verticals and sizes, ranging from startups to Fortune 50 companies. This gives way to the opportunity to learn across all stages of a tech company’s lifecycle as well as experience first-hand what verticals are most interesting to me.

Braden Shugarman